"All or Nothing"

The Beginnings of Norfolk and Portsmouth's African-American
Boy Scout Troops

This a photograph of Tidewater's first Black scout troop #72 as they appeared in 1928.

Scout Oath
"On my Honor I will do my best-
   1. To do my duty to God and my country, and to obey 
       Scout law;
  2. To help other people at all times:
   3. To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and 
       morally straight. " 

Scout Law


" A scout is trustworthy loyal, helpful, friendely courteous , kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent" 

Scout Motto

The Scout motto is be Prepared.  A scout prepares for whatever comes his way by learning all he can.  He keeps himself strong, healthy, and ready to meet the challenges of life.

Scout Slogan

The scout slogan is do a good turn daily.  Good turns are helpful acts acts of kindness done quietly, without boasting, and without expecting reward or pay.



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Created by Alfred Fenner & Kara Campbell
Click here for authors' biographies