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Portsmouth and the URR: Links


Network to Freedom [link]

The Underground Railroad, National Park Service [link]

Historic Context from the National Park Service [link]

National Underground Railroad Freedom Center [link

The Underground Railroad, National Geographic Society [link]

PBS - Judgment Day - The Underground Railroad [link]

Teacher's Guide for PBS Judgment Day [link]

Our Shared History - African American Heritage [link]

The Underground Railroad from the History Channel [link]

Related Primary Sources

Narrative of the Life of Henry Box Brown [link]

History of African Methodism in Virginia [link]

The Rev. J. W. Loguen, as a Slave and as a Freeman [link]


Supporting Agencies

Quick Links

Jane Pyatt's Narrative [link]

AMEC Archeological Report
5 megabyte pdf file [link]

Network to Freedom [link]