For more information on this project please contact the following individuals.

Project Director:
Cassandra Newby Alexander

Web Director:
Jeffrey L. Littlejohn

You may find more information on the Underground Railroad at the National Park Service website:
National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom.




Newspaper Accounts

Southern Daily Argus, September 1849

This is the annoucement of the sale of Shadrack Minkins in Norfolk, Virginia. Minkins would later escape, make his way to Boston and be arrested as a fugitive slave under the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. Rescuers would assist him in escaping to Canada.

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Southern Daily Argus, February 6, 1851

This article was a typical example of a polemic designed to argue the case for southern support of slavery while simultaneously vilifying the antislavery efforts.

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Southern Daily Argus, November 5, 1854

This article illustrates the names of the steamships and the wharves in which they were berthed in the Hampton Roads harbor during the 1850s. Schooners, sloops, and other smaller vessels were not mentioned.

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Southern Daily Argus, June 21, 1855

Two articles discussed Underground Railroad activities Hampton Roads. The first mentioned the unsuccessful efforts made to retrieve a group of fugitives while the other noted the successful thwarting of a slave attempting to escape aboard a vessel.

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Southern Daily Argus, June 4, 1856

This article briefly announced the capture of Captain William Lambden, a conductor on the Underground Railroad. Lambden would eventually be imprisoned for his activities.

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Southern Daily Argus, October 13, 1857

This article illustrated the efforts made by Norfolk city officials to capture and prosecute those assisting fugitives in their escape.

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